Holistic healing using the art and science of Acupuncture, Herbal and Nutritional Therapy
Common Cold / Flu
100% Improvement
Client Complaint
In August 2011, a 46 year-old female came to me for her regular acupuncture session. On this day, she complained of sore throat and flu-like symptoms that started 3 days earlier. She had scheduled a colonoscopy appointment for the following day and she did not know whether she was healthy enough to go through the procedure. According to her doctor, she would have to reschedule a later appointment if she did not feel well. So she asked me if I can heal her symptoms in one day.
Acupuncture therapy was administered and she was given Chinese herbal tea for consumption at home. On her second visit, she reported that after she had the acupuncture therapy session and consumed two packs of herbal tea, her flu-like symptoms had diminished 80% by that same afternoon. After she took the third tea bag that evening, she felt all flu-like symptoms disappeared. So she was able to keep her colonoscopy appointment after-all.
Acupuncture and Herbal Therapy